"A Moment of Truth"

Series: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny

Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 1.

History provides us with 2 classic ways to respond to tyranny: with illegitimate terror like Guy Fawkes; or with the authority of the lesser magistrate like Oliver Cromwell. Which will concerned Americans choose?

October 31, 2021

Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 2.

Pastor Bass articulates how we Christians, the Church, must respond to the "Full Spectrum Dominance" which the global elite impose upon us. The Church is the only institution throughout history which rebuilds the collapse of society.

November 14, 2021

Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 3. 

Pastor Bass focuses upon the 1st and chief strategy in battling the "full spectrum dominance" being foisted upon us: the life of Christian community. A premier example is how the Church responded to the collapse of the Roman Empire.

December 5, 2021