"A Moment of Truth"

Topic: Christianity and Islam

From 2016

How Should Christians Respond to Islam (Part 1)

Pastor Bass proposes six responses to an increasingly aggressive Islam: The Church must respond with the truth of Christ, the love of Christ, a biblical self-defense, national and international self-defense, the proven solutions of history, and a challenge to the political correctness of the media.

June 19, 2016

How Should Christians Respond to Islam (Part 2)

Pastor Bass continues his six responses to Islam.

July 3, 2016

From 2015

Christianity and Islam: Whom Do I Worship?

Pastor Bass compares Christianity and Islam by 1st asking: Who is it I am to worship? Detail is given to the origins of respective Scriptures, messengers, and deities. In particular the God of the Bible and Allah of the Koran are compared and contrasted.

June 21, 2015

Christianity and Islam: How Am I Saved?

Pastor Bass compares Christianity and Islam by secondly asking: How Am I Saved? He examines how both religions account for why we need to be saved and the means and mode of salvation offered by each.

July 5, 2015

Christianity and Islam: What are My Fruits?

Pastor Bass compares Christianity and Islam by thirdly asking: What are My Fruits? Every religion bears real spiritual fruit, i.e., actions prompted by its internal principles motivating the heart.

July 19, 2015