"A Moment of Truth"

Topic: Christianity and the Constitution

From 2018

An amble through the Preamble of the Constitution, with the Savior

April 22, 2018

An amble through the Preamble of the Constitution, with the Savior - The Second Purpose of Government - Establish Justice

May 6, 2018

An amble through the Preamble of the Constitution, with the Savior - The Third Purpose of Government - Ensure Domestic Tranquility

May 27, 2018

The Christian Background of the Constitution - Colonial America

June 24, 2018

An Amble through the Preamble - #4 - To Provide for the Common Defense

September 9, 2018

From 2017

The Christian Origins of the United States' Constitution

July 9, 2017

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From 2016

“We the people ordain and establish this… Constitution or Kingdom?”

Pastor Bass reminds us that it is we the people who are ultimately responsible for the culture of tyranny that has supplanted the culture of liberty our founders bequeathed to us. Only when we 1st make Christ our king will we be able to throw down our present king and choose for ourselves a constitutional republic.

February 28, 2016

The Temple of the Lord, the Temple of the Lord!

Just as Israel vainly placed their hope and confidence in the Temple, so America often vainly places its hope and confidence in the Constitution. On the contrary, unless accompanied by obedience, God will judge nations with whom he has a covenant.

October 23, 2016

The Pilgrims and the Constitution.

Pastor Bass shows how the Pilgrims contributed to the formation of our Constitution through a commitment to propagating the gospel and establishing the church in the New World and by governing themselves in an early, simple republic.

November 20, 2016