From 2023
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny.
Although unfamiliar to most Christians today, the Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrate is a well established principle for God's people to resist tyranny even to the point of armed resistance. It maintains that if the superior power is unjust and tyrannical then the lesser power has the obligation and duty to resist the superior power and has God's blessing for doing so.
January 8, 2023
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny, part 2.
Pastor Bass continues to explore the doctrine of the lesser magistrate, explaining his duty, showing objective standards for law, and showing the intrinsic reasons his role is best for overthrowing tyranny.
January 22, 2023
The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates: The Biblical Response to Tyranny, part 3.
Pastor Bass continues with several other features of the doctrine, including who should participate in and who should lead armed resistance, and the indispensable role of the people in supporting the magistrate when he steps forward.
February 5, 2023
From 2022
The Distracting Bright Bauble of War.
Our ruling elite have jumped from tyrannizing the American people with the COVID fraud to tyrannizing us with the crisis of so called "war" with Russia over Ukraine, confirming Solzhenitsyn’s observation: "A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny."
March 6, 2022
Holding Our Magistrates Accountable.
Pastor Bass highlights the perennial truth that evil thrives in any society and land in which evil magistrates are allowed to proliferate without being brought to account. We Christians in particular must be faithful to the biblical principle "Justice - and only justice - shall you follow in the land."
March 20, 2022
The New American Slave: America's Unconscious Slide into Slavery.
Americans are increasingly sliding into slavery due to factors like impossible debt, worthless money, oppressive government tyranny, and a servile mentality. Slavery is the norm for history; liberty the exception. We are merely returning to the norm.
June 12, 2022
The New American Slave: America's Unconscious Slide into Slavery. (part 2)
Pastor Bass continues detailing the reasons why Americans often contribute to their own descent into slavery unawares.
June 26, 2022
The 2nd Amendment: A God Given Right to Bear Arms.
Pastor Bass Establishes a biblical rationale for a citizen’s right to be armed which the Founding Fathers used in part for the 2nd amendment.
July 10, 2022
How Settled is the Settled Science on Climate Change?
Pastor Bass takes up 10 challenges to the so called "settled science" on climate change with reference to Scripture on God's creation.
August 21, 2022
What is the Real Agenda Behind the Climate Change Crisis?
The real agenda behind the climate change crisis can easily be shown to be a power elite grab for a feudal like grip on the world's wealth and power. Owing to the lack of supporting science, it cannot be about the climate.
September 18, 2022
From 2021
The Peaceful Transition of Power, of Which We Used to Boast, Has Gone Away.
Combined with the fraud of voting in the presidential election and the murder of Trump supporter Lindsey Babbitt by a DC policeman. All of our "fail safe" systems did fail to correct fraud. In the future, America will only descend into the rule rather than the exception of the transition of power: blood, violence, intrigue, and conspiracy rather than a representative republic where the individual vote was our sacred franchise. It is up to us to stop that!
January 10, 2021
What Are the Dirty Dozen Things to Expect From a Biden Administration?
Biden has been "infraudurated," so we might expect him to enact the following agenda items which will advance The Great Reset: a medical tyranny, the consolidation of power, election fraud will be institutionalized, criminalizing climate change deniers, defunding of the police, and an assault on the 2nd amendment are just a few of them.
January 24, 2021
What is "The Great Reset" That Globalists are Trying to Foist On Us? (part 1)
Your fabulously wealthy and powerful global elite are ambitiously executing a plan to aggrandize and conserve their power and wealth through radical means to collapse the present world through tactics like COVID measures and war and financial collapse, and then erecting a new elite tyranny in its place, a "reset" of all things.
January 31, 2021
What is "The Great Reset" That Globalists are Trying to Foist On Us? (part 2)
Some of the particular buzzwords and concepts used to deceive us into giving up our liberty, wealth, and humanity in the Great Reset are exposed: build back better, digital currency, sustainability, a social credit score, tiny home, carbon footprint, COVID 'safety' measures, and a nanotech operating system. A number of solutions are proposed - including opting out of the system that is being built to enslave us.
February 14, 2021
"The Great Reset" Will Culminate in Your Meeting a Chinese Trooper. (part 3)
In complete harmony with the strategy and tactics of Sun Zhu, China is patiently using the Great Reset in order to extend and consolidate its power, wealth, and hegemony over the entire world - America in particular! For example, economic domination, political intrigues, and efforts to deceive and demoralize the enemy must be used before military strength. But once its time, be ruthless! So, one day, you will meet a Chinese trooper.
February 28, 2021
God's Civil Covenant Demands That We Take Back Our Government.
God's covenant with Noah after the Flood in Genesis 9 establishes civil government in its primitive form. It demands that we as individual citizens participate in establishing justice and choosing moral representatives to administer justice. Only we individual citizens united as a civil body can do this.
May 16, 2021
Introduction to What Historians Call The 5000 Year Leap.
Pastor Bass briefly reviews the exponential progress of mankind in all areas of life since the founding of the American Constitutional Republic such that they can be called a "leap" in comparison to the last 5000 years. Four revolutions are noted with grateful acknowledgment to the National Center for Constitutional Studies and its founder W. Cleon Skousen.
August 8, 2021
Continuing the Introduction to The 5000 Year Leap.
Pastor Bass briefly reviews the exponential progress of mankind in the liberty provided under the American Constitutional Republic in 4 Revolutions: The Industrial Revolution, The Transportation Revolution, The Communications Revolution, and The Computer Revolution.
August 15, 2021
People's Law, vs. Ruler's Law or Anarchy, is the Context for The 5000 Year Leap.
Pastor Bass studies the background and salient features of People's Law which has provided the balance between liberty, and law and order required for our optimum performance as free men.
August 22, 2021
What are Principles 1 & 2 of the Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap?
Pastor Bass treats the first 2 principles: 1. Natural Law - the only reliable basis for sound government and just human relations. 2. A free people cannot survive under a republican constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.
September 5, 2021
What are Principles 3 & 4 of the Constitution from The 5000 Year Leap?
Pastor Bass treats principles 3 & 4: 3. The best method of securing a virtuous people is to elect virtuous leaders. 4. Without religion the government of a free people cannot be maintained. That religion in the minds and hearts of our founding fathers was biblical Christianity.
September 12, 2021
Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 1.
History provides us with 2 classic ways to respond to tyranny: with illegitimate terror like Guy Fawkes; or with the authority of the lesser magistrate like Oliver Cromwell. Which will concerned Americans choose?
October 31, 2021
Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 2.
Pastor Bass articulates how we Christians, the Church, must respond to the "Full Spectrum Dominance" which the global elite impose upon us. The Church is the only institution throughout history which rebuilds the collapse of society.
November 14, 2021
Oliver Cromwell or Guy Fawkes: Two Ways to Respond to Tyranny, part 3.
Pastor Bass focuses upon the 1st and chief strategy in battling the "full spectrum dominance" being foisted upon us: the life of Christian community. A premier example is how the Church responded to the collapse of the Roman Empire.
December 5, 2021
From 2020
A Christian Millennium: 8 Propositions for a Christian Millennium.
Pastor Bass casts a vision for what the Bible reveals to us is a vast aeon, or age, of peace, prosperity, and spiritual blessing in which Christ rules supreme through his people, i.e., the Church in that period known as the Millennium. That vision is given in summary in 8 propositions.
January 19, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Irredeemably Corrupt Deep State Must Be Destroyed.
Before we can begin to build a worldwide Congress of Christian Republics anticipating the Millennium, the deadwood of the USA’s irredeemably corrupt Deep State must be destroyed, having made a travesty of our secular Constitution.
February 2, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Declaration of Independence is as Relevant Today as It Was in the Day of Our Founding Fathers!
Since our limited, constitutional republic has morphed over the centuries into an irredeemable Deep State tyranny, it is time once again to throw off this form of government and institute a new one, as our founders prescribed.
February 16, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration are as Applicable to Us as They Were to Them, part 1.
Pastor Bass reviews the undeniable circumstances of the colonists which precipitated their rebellion and notes the 29 particular complaints which so closely parallel those of our own day.
February 23, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration are as Applicable to Us as They Were to Them, part 2.
Pastor Bass continues his review of the undeniable circumstances of the colonists which precipitated their rebellion and notes the 29 particular complaints which so closely parallel those of our own day.
March 8, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration are as Applicable to Us as They Were to Them, part 3.
Pastor Bass continues his review of the undeniable circumstances of the colonists which precipitated their rebellion and notes the 29 particular complaints which so closely parallel those of our own day.
March 29, 2020
A Christian Millennium: The Particular Complaints of the Founders in the Declaration are as Applicable to Us as They Were to Them, part 4.
Pastor Bass continues his review of the undeniable circumstances of the colonists which precipitated their rebellion and notes the 29 particular complaints which so closely parallel those of our own day.
May 3, 2020
A Christian Millennium: If we are to Prosecute a New American Revolution Against the Deep State, What Will Take its Place?
Once we soberly face the fact that the US Constitution cannot be restored, the Deep State must be destroyed root and branch and then we must deliberately, consciously plan to build an explicit Christian Constitutional Republic.
May 10, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How Do We Successfully Wage a Righteous Revolution?
Pastor Bass articulates how Americans can make a revolution which is pleasing in God’s sight by doing particular things like exhausting all peaceful avenues of redress of grievances, having legitimate authority lead that revolution, and then some of us must step forward to support them.
May 17, 2020
A Christian Millennium: Spiritual Revival and Reformation is the Key to Unlock a Christian Constitutional Republic.
A Christian Constitutional Republic is impossible of achievement until the people genuinely repent of their personal and national sins, trust in Christ again, and then take action to reform their behavior in conformity with the gospel.
May 24, 2020
A Christian Millennium: Why is a Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics Inevitable?
While the prospect of a world government has in the past been relegated to the realm of conspiracy theory, today everyone sees that there will be a world government soon. We say it might as well be Christian! That world government is best constituted as a World Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics.
May 31, 2020
A Christian Millennium: What Would a Christian World Government Look Like?
All Christians agree that there will be a world government ruled by Christ - eventually! We unequivocally assert that it will happen before his 2nd advent and will be a Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics.
June 14, 2020
A Christian Millennium: A Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics is the Only Answer to the World Government That’s Coming.
Christians are rightly skeptical of a world government of any kind but must come to terms with its inevitability and labor to make of it what God intends: A free, biblical, Christ centered rule, exemplified in a Congress of Christian Constitutional Republics.
June 21, 2020
A Christian Millennium: 8 Propositions for a Christian Millennium.
Rev. Bass gives a broad overview in propositional form of what it will take to inaugurate 1000 years of Shalom under Christ.
July 26, 2020
A Christian Millennium:Setting Aside a Secular Constitution for an Explicitly Christian Constitution.
Rev. Bass makes the case that as great and profound as the secular Constitution of the USA might be, an explicitly Christian one is better.
August 9, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 1.
The Declaration of Independence declares fundamental principles as relevant today as they were for the Founding Fathers.
August 16, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 2.
Tyrannies do not change; the reasons for dissolving our connection to our federal government parallel those of the founders for dissolving their connection to Britain.
August 23, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 3.
Tyrannies do not change; the reasons for dissolving our connection to our federal government parallel those of the founders for dissolving their connection to Britain.
August 30, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 4.
Tyrannies do not change; the reasons for dissolving our connection to our federal government parallel those of the founders for dissolving their connection to Britain.
September 6, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How the Declaration of Independence Speaks to the Necessity of Abolishing our Present Form of Government, part 5.
Tyrannies do not change; the reasons for dissolving our connection to our federal government parallel those of the founders for dissolving their connection to Britain.
September 13, 2020
A Christian Millennium: If We are to Prosecute a New American Revolution Against the Deep State, What Will Take Its Place?
Presupposing that we are not able to re-establish our present Constitution, owing to its utter corruption, we must emphatically insist on an explicitly Christian Constitutional Republic - self conscious and clearly Christ’s.
September 20, 2020
A Christian Millennium: How Do We Wage Successfully a Righteous Revolution?
In contrast to the bloody, godless revolution in France in the late 18th C., what we need is a network of legitimate, Christian, elected magistrates to lead the American people against the Deep State tyranny that now predominates.
September 27, 2020
Socialism in America: An Interview with Bill Ayzin, Owner of Wealth of Health in Idaho Falls, Idaho, part 1.
Bill Ayzin relates his growth as a young man under the socialist tyranny of the Soviet Union, which he sees as a parallel to what America is undergoing in the present. It is a warning to all of us.
October 4, 2020
Socialism in America: An Interview with Bill Ayzin, Owner of Wealth of Health in Idaho Falls, Idaho, part 2.
Bill Ayzin relates his growth as a young man under the socialist tyranny of the Soviet Union, which he sees as a parallel to what America is undergoing in the present. It is a warning to all of us.
October 11, 2020
A Christian Millennium: A Spiritual Revival and Reformation is the One Key to Unlock a Christian Constitutional Republic.
Until our hearts and minds are brought alive to the covenant God of the Bible, we will not realize a Christian Constitutional Republic. Rather, it absolutely relies on a living Christian citizenry, reformed and revived.
October 18, 2020
Our Consent to be Governed by the Illegitimate Biden Administration Must be Withdrawn.
As our Founding Father’s and the thinkers who preceded them taught us, government only has authority to govern as we give them consent to do so. Consequently, we the People must withdraw our consent to be governed from the fraudulent administration about to be inaugurated.
December 27, 2020